CORE Kids PE and Wellbeing Portal
CORE Kid's mission is to inspire millions to lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Our school programs play a huge role in making this mission a reality. Having worked with over 250 schools, either online or in person, we understand that each school and each child are unique, and we endeavour to find the right programs to fit both.
We take a holistic approach to all our programs and know that physical activity can play a huge role in each child's social, emotional, physical, and academic development. Our central concept is to deliver positive PE and physical activity experiences by making each lesson fun, engaging, and purposeful for all.
Some of the programs we offer include
Delivery of all areas of PE
Fully progressive online PE and well-being portal linked with the National Curriculum
Afterschool programs
Staff training
and much more
You can find further information on everything we offer in the brochure below.
Download our Schools Brochure to find out more information on what we offer
Brighdin (parent)
Brighdin (parent)
Develop fine and gross skills
Develop fine and gross skills